


Oh I am SO in love with this stamp line! I oogle their site all the time - peek here! They are beyond adorable and I have a wishlist a mile long! This weekend, I made this adorable tin for my little Victoria (I added her name to the top, but of course, my camera battery stopped working! Update photo soon!) with this beautiful Elzybell on the front - which looks A LOT like my Victoria ;) I simply covered a lunch tin with vintage Valentine's paper (I chose this since she's my honey bunny!) added ribbon to match, stamped image of Elzybells and a TON of ribbon. She is so happy! And I love how it turned out as well :) These altered tins are so much fun to make - and now dd1 and dd2 are waiting in line for one as well, tee hee! TFL!


  1. Oh Kelly! This is just too adorable!! I love, love, love that vintage paper, and all the ribbon embellies are awesome! I bet Victoria loves it too! You are the bestest mom ever!!!! I'm off to check out your Elzybelle link. Thanks for sharing!

    Love ya!

  2. How beautiful!!! I love all that gorgeous ribbon, and I too am addicted to Elzybells!!! I think we may have the same wish list. Hahaha!!! I'll just keep's much cheaper that way:o)

    I can see why daughters #1 and #2 are waiting in line...I would be too!! This tin is AWESOME!!! The beautifully colored image, the fabulous papers, and the heartfelt thoughts and loving hands that created it make it a treasure to cherish for a lifetime!!!

    Love and Hugs!

  3. I like to make a new bookmark everytime I start a new book too. But since I read at least 15 books a year, I have a lot of them!

    I think yours is SO cute. It's a bookmark and diet reminder in one!

  4. Kelly, this is is just too much!!! I absolutely ADORE the vintage paper!! Your children are so blessed to have you! What a *super* mom you are! {hugs}
