


Just Live ........

Hello dear friends! I'm cheating today on my blog and posting a page I found while redoing the new craft haven - my dh is just the bestest! {{{ hugs! }}} I promised my friend Linda I would find this, and weeks later, I have (see what good things happen when you open boxes! Tee hee!)
This page actually a L/O CASE of a page from a scrap mag .. omgosh, I cannot remember which one/issue! :( I will edit later if I find it! I was reflecting my birthday months before, dh's diagnosis and my father's passing and something in me just said Live for Today ~ stop worrying about the things you cannot control or change because the stress and worry will tear at your soul. I remember this day well - my son was doing something silly and it just made my heart smile :) (and no, I don't normally wear *that!* lipstick color, lol - we must have been on our way out *wink!*) So that is my motto for this week, month ....... (one day at a time, right?) Just Live ........... and let Him do the rest! <3


  1. What a beautiful picture!! You look very content there...thanks for sharing the layout!! Can't wait for pictures of your craft lair!

  2. Anonymous4/09/2009

    Oh it's so you! I love it and I think it totally reflects your perfect self. Hugs dear friend!

  3. A great page and a great message, Kelly! Love all the papers, stamps & embellies you used, but best of all, I love that peaceful look on your beautiful face! (LOL on the lipstick comment, btw!)
    {{{{HUGS}}}} for my wise and wonderful friend!

  4. I love your scrapbook page, Kelly... but more than that I love the thoughts you expressed here on your blog. We do need to find peace and live days one at a time... Thanks for the reminder.

  5. I'd say those are very good words to live by! Kelly, you are such a beautiful person both inside and out, and your blue eyes are gorgeous! Thanks for sharing!!!

  6. Kelly you are so beautiful inside and out. What a wonderful picture of you. I love all the words you used in this page. It really is a reflection of who you are.

  7. Kelly, you're Gorgeous!! And I love the words you true. Happy Resurrection Day, Darlin!
