


FOR A SPECIAL FRIEND!!!! .... and farewell! :(

Oh my sweet friends, how I will miss you! This will be my last post until the Fall - imagine that!

First, I wanted to say that this is not my secret sister nor my SS's gift, ROFL! I wanted to post a very special thank you to someone that I can't mention just yet who it is since this will be arriving in her mailbox very soon and at least where it is heading can be part of the surprise :) I wanted to post it now so she will know that although I was gone, I was thinking of her and carry thoughts of her in my heart and she is in my prayers this past week especially. I met this most wonderful soul and special friend when I started SCS as a mere guppie, lol! She has grown so much and we've seen her go from swaps to blossoming into a DT and beyond! We all knew how talented she was but what I didn't know at that time what a special friend she would become - always there to lend a hand, a listening ear, a laugh or encouraging word. Even through her own trials and tribulations and "busy-ness", she manages to take a moment to say hello and it really makes my day! So ..... FRIEND ...... I hope you enjoy this filled with goodies (that will be a surprise, too!) and forgive me for not being quite the expert craftsman in this field! {another reason why I love ya, girl .... I can send an image stamped on a napkin and i know you would love it!} :)
Thank you - for ALL you do and for who you are - and for the blessing of your friendship. ** many hugs!**

And XOXOXOXO to all the girls on the sistahood and beyond - I will be keeping in touch along the way of our journey. Be blessed, be safe, and big hugs to all! I will miss you!

Deets: Stampendous can, MS/AC/etc designer ribbons
Stamps: The Greeting Farm
Paper: I forgot! :)
Punch: Floral punch, small scallop
Adhesive, brads, lotsa goodies inside by Bo Bunny, etc .......


  1. Kelly, your special friend is more than deserving of this amazing gift!! You really create the most fabulous 3D projects Kelly! I love this pail and all it's ribbons!

    I'm so sorry I haven't been around on the boards lately. Between work, home, DT req, and silly competitions, I have been swamped. But I wanted to stop by to say that I hope you have a FABULOUS trip!!! Take tons of photos, enjoy the little things, and we'll be here waiting for you to return. :) Going to miss you girly!

    (((((big hugs)))))

  2. Have a GREAT vacation!!! It will be so strange without you around this summer!!! But I know you will have a wonderful time and we will all be here when you get back! Safe travels!

  3. what a thoughtful gift....she will love it! Beautifully decorated!

  4. What a terrific gift your friend is going to receive!!! Have a wonderful trip!!

  5. what a thoughtful gift.

    M.E. aka CMCMaryD@SCS

  6. I think I know who this amazingly beautiful, loving gift is for, and I can't agree more with your description of her.
    Have an amazing trip and know that we're all thinking of you and missing you terribly.
    Have a safe and wonderful adventure!

  7. this is a wonderful gift!

    and have a super vacation!

  8. I think I know who this is too.. and I agree with Catherine's description!

    Kelly, have a fabulous fabulous vacay! Enjoy every second & even though I will miss your sunshine every day, I hope that you are having the time of your life!


  9. what a wonderful gift! Very touching tribute to your friend too. ENjoy your vacation and look forward to seeing you in the fall.

  10. Waaaaahhhh!!!!! I miss Kelly!!!!!

    Seriously, I don't know how I'll get through the rest of the month without you!

    Hope you are having a terrific time! Hugs to the kiddos!

  11. Great gift I agree with everybody here.
    She must be a very special friend.

  12. fantastic makes, lovely gifts


  13. Well, I have to say that I have gained an amazing, very special and wonderful friend too! I received this beautiful gift last week, and was thrilled beyond belief! The sweetest card was included with the most special message you can imagine, and the goodies inside!! I'm like a kid, taking them all out, then putting everthing back into the beautiful paint bucket. Keeps me happily busy for hours!! ;-) It was just the pick-me-up that I needed. It's been a doozy of a couple of weeks, but things are on the up swing! It's all going to work out, and we're back to our hurry up and wait mode. August 6th is our next milestone! Closure is coming!!! Thank you so much my beautiful, loving and caring friend! I hope you are having a fabulous vacation, enjoying the sites, having your family with you, and experiencing it all together! I love you sweet Kelly!! You are the best!! Happy ((((((hugs))))))) and bunches of smiles to you all!! I miss you!!


  14. What a perfect gift and sweetest tribute in words to our dear Lorie. Kelly, you never cease to amaze me...with your kind heart, generosity and perfect timing. The Lord truly works through you. Your words to Lorie and the sentiment behind the gift, not only bless the recipient but bless and inspire the rest of us as well. Love you, Girl!
