


Finished Layout & Blog Candy Winner :)

Ohhhh my friends, my humblest apologies for taking so long to post this!  To say that I have "overload" going on right now is a pure understatement!   But I didn't just want to post the "title of this layout?" scrapbook page winner without the actual page, so without further delay ......

I have to say you girls are absolutely amazing!  Each and every one of your suggestions and comments just amazed me, made me get teary eyed, make me smile, and it always breaks my heart that there can only be one winner :(  Thank you all so much for your suggestions!  But in the end, after reading them all and narrowing them down to a few (boy, that was hard, too!), I let the picture itself just speak and I could hear these words as if seeing them.  As he looked out into that vast, big blue ocean - mindless wandering thoughts of a 5 year old boy - I thought what does he see, what is he thinking?   Carol put it beautifully in persptive with her "As far as the eye can see ...."  It also matches the journaling I plan to share with my son (but absent from this photo - {wink!}

Congratulations, Carol {momcgw}, on your winning title!   I'll be in touch shortly :)

Blessings and happy crafting!


  1. Oh, Kelly, you've created an absolutely marvelous page with the memories of that special day with your little man! Hugs!!!

  2. What a wonderful page!!

  3. Wow Kelly this turned out wonderfully! He is such a sweetheart and I could chew him up and I don't even know him. Been thinking about you and wondering how the schooling is going and how he is doing in school. Congrats to the blog candy winner. So sweet of you Kelly! Hugs.

  4. Kelly, this is just perfect, you did such a great job what great memories this will bring when you bring it out years from now. Lovely!

  5. Kelly, your page turned out just beautifully, and I think Carol's title is perfect! What a special memory to preserve! Absolutely beautiful on so many levels!!!

  6. Awesome layout and I agree Carol's title is perfect!

  7. Anonymous9/04/2010

    Aww...that is a wonderful title you picked, Kelly, and look how beautifully your page turned out. Your son is really going to cherish this! Hugs, Deedee

  8. Beautiful layout.

  9. OH KELLY!! That page turned out AMAZINGLY!! I love every little detail. AND big congrats to Carol too!! I still think this is the sweetest pic ever!!

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