


Cutest lil Dragon :)

**Good Saturday Morning!**  Just a quick update to announce the winner of the Cutie Pie Stamp ...
by random selection, congratulations goes to .........

Paola, That's Amore!
Congratulations on your win!

Hi blogging friends!  I'm sorry to be MIA .... everything is whirlwind crazy here and crafting time has been zero! Tomorrow my son has a birthday party for a Kindergarten classmate and I had to whip up a card in a jiffy - and all I can say is thank goodness I had this card kit with an image and dsp!  This was sent to me in a swap last year from Tanja (wie gehts!!) - I colored up the image that she sent along, added the paper with it's bright and bold boy colors paired with some cardstock I had on hand ~ added the ribbon and accent bling and ta-da, easy breasy!

I kept the card pretty simple overall - I think it's hard pressed to find 6 year old little boy card connoisseurs, ROFL!   And if you know who this image is, please let me know!  It's adorable - looks a little like a Whipper Snapper, but I'm too tired to go and look it up ;) 

Big hugs, Happy Crafting, and stop in tomorrow to see if you are the random winner of the Cutie Pie Stamp!



  1. Super cute card! :)

  2. Kelly, my friend, I am lovin' this cute little guy! The colors are so rich and vibrant and that little dragon is SO stinkin' cute, I can't stand it! Hope things calm down for you soon. :) Hugs!

  3. Cutie Patootie!!

    Love your color choices! Fabby dabby and a shout out to Tanja, since she gifted you with it!!

  4. So fun! Great colors!

    I just emailed you :)

  5. What a darling card! It sure doesn't look lie it was a quick and easy card. Great job!!!

  6. Anonymous3/04/2011

    That truly IS the cutest little dragon! What a blessing to have a kit all set up for you -- just the help you needed today! I'll tell you, 6 year-old boys may not be card connoisseurs, but I'm thankful we all get to enjoy this cutie!

  7. Great card Kelly! I love the color combo. It's so bright and cheerful!!!

  8. Perfect for the party! I really like the ballon outside of the Nestie.

  9. This is one super cute awesome card, full of life, color and so fun!!! Anyone would love it!

  10. fun fun fun...this fabby car is all about fun w/its delishhh d/p and that adorable dragon immie!!
    Conossoirs or not any kids from 1 to 100 would enjoy recieving it!!:o)

  11. What an adorable card! Perfect for a little 6 year old boy and your right, not sure they even care if they get a card just the present. We love your cards though and love the colors and image on this one. Have a great weekend.

  12. So bright and cheerful! A true ray of sunshine ;0)

  13. What a fun amd cute card! Love those colors too. Great,

  14. Oh WOW! What a great card for anyone - never mind a 6 yo who won't appreciate the subtlties nearly as much as we do!!!

  15. What a sweet card!! I sure wish I had gotten cards that looked like THAT when I had my birthday parties! :)

  16. Great card Kelly--such a cute image and love the colors you used! You ROCKED it!

  17. OMG!!! I love the colors of the card. It is so bright and cheery....great card for a boy.

  18. Perfect for a little guy! Glad you had what you needed at your fingertips!!!!

  19. Oh not "simple" at all. It's just perfect! Great colors yet still "masculine"....however masculine a 6 year old can be anyway ;)

  20. Kelly, this is darling !! Cute little dragon and the colors are fantastic !!!

  21. Too stinkin' cute Kelly! I love the colors & that adorable image you used! Very nice work as always & tfs!!!!

  22. I'm getting such a joy visiting your blog. It's like opening a box of chocolate... one day you get all pretty shades of red and pink and like today, all happy shades of blue and green! I love it!!!!

    And this dragon is just the cutest ever! It definitely brings out the 6 yo in me out. :o)

    Sorry to hear you're all crammed and busy. Hope they'll calm soon. :)

  23. Very sweet card! Hope things calm down for you soon :-)

  24. Great colors and so very cute!!!

  25. love the layout! great colors :)

  26. Adorable. I love the colors you used on this little guy. Great choice of paper!

  27. What an adorable dragon! This card is guaranteed to be enjoyed by a little boy - or anybody! It's just so bright and fun!

  28. I love this, Kelly! I have some of these cute little dragon stamps, and I always love coloring them. You've done a beautiful job in the greens and blues! Such a sweet and special card!

    Love ya,
