


15 Minute Challenge {Calendar Girl} Creation!

 Happy SONday to all! 
 I hope your weekend was fabulous :)   After church I was lucky to have some time to squeeze in some time to make a trip to the farmer's market for some fresh veggies and fruits to stock up for the week! 


Today's post is my very belated Calendar Girl post ::: oops! :::
This month, our hostess was Michelle and she gave us carte blanche'
to create as we wish with an "anything goes" with no stamped
images except sentiments!

I was absolutely sure what I was going to do this month
with making a scrap layout page, but it wasn't until I stumbled upon
this 15 minute creative challenge that it really came together!

Basically, the 15 Minute Challenge is to get creative in 15 minutes each day!
I know for me, lately, to put a card together takes HOURS.  I rethink the entire thing over and over and end up using up more precious time than I really have!

There are 3 rules to follow - and they are simple ...
they are ones you set for yourself!!

My rules are:
1.  I have to create something - anything - in 15 minutes or less.
2.  I do not have to like what I make!  I just have to be in a creative process and accomplish my goal - to create and see where my creative journey goes!
 No second guessing, no changes, just set the timer and go, go, go!
3. I will be committed to the creative inspirations that land on the paper! 

For my scrap page, I had this picture of my son on my craft desk
and didn't have time in my alloted 15 minutes to go grab a different one, lol.
So I reached for my scrap basket and literally pulled out a mish-mash of
papers from different companies and laid them down to the color sides
that matched the colors of his hat, shirt and baby blue eyes :)
He was the smiliest, happiest baby EVER and his baby books are literally filled with smiling baby photos but this one was taken when he turned around, totally spontaneous ...
which are my favorite kinds of pictures :)

I added a small sentiment in the corner because he is my "sweet love"!

Want to see what the other CG's made this month?
You can find them on their blogs!

April + Barb + Carol + Debbie +
 Jeanette + Kelly (me!) + Michelle + Paola + Tami + Terry

Thanks for stopping by!
Big hugs,
Bigger Blessings!


  1. Very neat! I love a challengeand I sure need that timer lately!! My August resolution is to get every swap completed and nailed this week!

  2. Super cute! Sounds like a fun challenge! Adorable photo! :)


  3. 15 minutes well spent! You did a great job. The layout really came together and was perfect for the challenge as well. Oh and I love those little floppy hats!

  4. Perfect challenge, one that's for me, I take hours like you and over think it, then frustration sets in and I hate what I make :) Your page is perfect, love the papers and colors and they match perfectly with that sweet little picture, he is a cutie!

  5. this is totally awesome!!!! Looks like you spent a lot of time on it, well done my friend, I may try that some time.

  6. Great idea! Your son looks adorable, what a fun picture to capture. And the page came out lovely.

  7. Hey Girly Guess what come by my Blog to check out a surprise!

    Thanks Jessie

  8. Please send me your info so I can mail out your prize! Thanks

  9. 15 minutes? Wow! Your page is awesome and I'm so impressed you could make it in that short a time. The picture of your son is very cute and it is fun to scrap some of the different expressions, not always the smiling ones.

  10. Super fun page and adorable picture!

  11. Adorable picture and great layout! It's also great that you did not make a card, and got something done that you wanted to!!

    Love the colors and everything worked out perfectly!!

    Hugs to you!


  12. Oh Kelly, that is sooo adorable - what a brilliant layout!!

  13. the papers you chose are absolutely magnificent! They complement the photo SO WELL...especially with the orange and the blue!

  14. Great page! Love that design and your son is ADORABLE!!! Fantastic and something you'll always treasure.
    (BTW....I WON a Riley image from the blog hop the other day and am SO excited!) Now you'll get to see that little moose on my blog!

  15. Well we should all challenge ourselves to this type of challenge Kelly because your *rush* job came out FAB to me! I LOVE your page & that pic is just too darn cute....excellent work as always my friend & TFS!!!!

  16. Hi Kelly! You were the winner of my blog candy from the God's Promises blog..

    Can you contact me at please?

  17. Oh he is cute! Love the LO

  18. Awesome page! Love the mix of colors and paers and how they compliment that cutie patootie photo perfectly! Great idea with the 15 minute challenges. That is great inspiration! :)

  19. WOW--this is so cute! love the layout of your page and he is a doll!

  20. Awesome...tell you awesome! Your son is such a cutie...he hads the most beautiful blue eyes!

  21. What a wonderful page! I can't believe this was only 15 minutes! I think I might have to try this...

  22. Oh this is a wonderful page! Love the layout and your scrap pieces of paper go perfectly with the colors in the photo. And OMGoodness!! what a handsome guy...those blue eyes are going to break some hearts!!!
