


Love for the animals :)

Hello!  Before I get to my card, I just wanted to share something that happened to me that strengthened my already intense crazy love for our two pups.  They are truly the happiness glue that bonds our very blessed family but until Wednesday night, I didn't realize their true capabilities.  My dh & I are still trying to make sense of it, but dogs are good that way, I think :) 

Tuesday, the 'flu like symptoms' I've been feeling hit me like a ton of bricks ... I knew I was 'tired' on Monday  {like ran a marathon and then run over by a truck tired!} and it was a bit odd ... but by Tuesday morning, I knew.  I couldn't even stand up - the pain, the fever, the shaking.  Through the night I was so miserable - chest congestion, pain, pressure.  My fever kept spiking from 101 to 102 - not the best, but not the worst.  But that night .... oh fun times.  My dh was running around the clock vigil with meds every 4 hours, albuteral tx & cough suppressants but it was all Kool-aid, in restropect.   At one point, my fever shot up to 104 .. and both doggies, who always lay beside my side of the bed all night long, kept barking and standing on their hind legs to peek over the bed to get to me and howling and Buster was dancing on his two hind legs {like he does when he wants a treat}.  My dh kept saying 'not now' while it turns out they were trying to tell him "she's not doing so good!"  That's when he did a fever check again and saw that it had shot up 2* more within 20 minutes and just stared at them. He told me later he should have known.  They never do that! And I said I wasn't surprised :)  Dogs have this eery 6th sense - our Dalmation told me every time I was pregnant AND when I was about to go into labor.  Our Mastiff used to stand guard next to my dad when he would every time his cancer returned and nudge him constantly.  But this was a first for me!  Needless to say, I'm on the mend but no where near healthy but better off than where I was at the beginning of the week.  I do not want to go through that again!  And our sweet pups are on their way to Pet Supermarket as soon as mommy is well enough for some very big treats and a trip to the doggie park!  I'm so proud of my fur babies, I just can't tell you.  I'm feeling sluggish and yucky today but at least I'm up and out of bed.  

Speaking of animals!  Well bugs!! My card ~  The SOTC card this month was all about monochromatic as the sweet and lovely April asked us to make a card using all one color.  I'm all about color, lol.  Lots of it - bright, vibrant, wonderous color.   So I stumbled with this one - going from Kraft, to pink, to green and finally settled on red.  I found this freebie while blurfing one day and decided to give it a try ... I never intended on making a red card, that's for sure.  I hope April likes the card ... it turned out pretty cute in the end :) This is a digi image that was a freebie from Whimsy Doodles!  Is that not the most generous!  You can find it HERE :) I was so enamored by the card sample that Melissa created that I scooped it up, too!  You can see her card here - I changed the colors of the papers to keep up with the monochromatic theme :)   


Big hugs,
Bigger Blessings!



  1. Very, very cute card! Love the image.

  2. Very Cute!! Can definitely understand why the one color had to be red.
    So glad you're doing better. Love those amazing dog stories. God does work in wonderful ways!

  3. Kelly, Kelly, Kelly... I adore the card!

    But, girl, you NEED. To take care of yourself! Glad you are on the mend ;-)

  4. Kelly, Kelly, Kelly! What a scare!!Your precious pups sure knew you and wanted you to be taken care of. Glad you're feeling better. Just don't try and do too much too soon.

    RED! What a surprise!! I thought for sure I'd see green for your monochromatic card! I LOVE IT! It's bright and cheerful with that cute image!

  5. Ok, you have the old foot tapping girl!!!! You need to slow down and take care of yourself, relax and read a book. (well this is coming from an OCD kind of person, so I may not be walking the talk :) ) Being sick is a sign that you need rest and thank goodness your sweet little pups knew mommy was not doing well and needed help, they are amazing animals. So I will stop lecturing and move on to your card which is so adorable, loving the image with the polka dots.

  6. super cute mono the image...and give those pups some extra belly rubs..for those of us that loves you too

  7. Yikes! 104?? Im so happy you are mending. But, girlie, you NEED to get lots and lots of rest. Don't freak us out like this again. I got the chills reading your post.... your pups are keepers for sure! They were so worried about their mama.... soooooo sweet. Dogs are special, aren't they? :) after your post, I think I'm gonna give my dog a long hug when I get home today.

    And of course, such a darling card. So adorable and I love your use of polka dots on the DP and the button! Take care!

  8. Don't be like that bug ( which is really cute Kelly) get back under those covers and get well.

    I loved your story of your dogs.
    We have been having a pretty rough time of it the past couple of weeks and my girls have been almost permanently attached to my feet - looking all the while at me with love filled eyes.

    Take care and spoil yourself a little.Sending you a cyber hug too!

  9. Adorable card Kelly! Love the image and all those polka dots. So cute.....
    NOW, I had no idea you were so sick!! PLEASE take care of yourself and get some rest and all that kind of good stuff! Those pups are amazing little animals aren't they! What a way to alert you husband of how you were doing!!

  10. So glad you're feeling some better, what a blessing to have DH and 2 helpers caring for you (-:
    Fevers are so yucky! You know the drill ...starve a cold and feed a fever get something yummy and rest!
    This card is adorable...lovin the red
    Hugs and prayers for you kid-0h

  11. Hello Kelly, WOW what a story. Im so happy to hear you are feeling better. I once had a boxer and I think he was trying to tell me something in 2008 and I didnt pay much attention. Soon to find out I had stage 4 colon cancer. I wish i would have listened to him.

    Your card is soooo cute. i love the colors and the image is super cute.TFS

  12. Adorable card and wonderful story about your pups - not necessarily the part about you being sick! So happy to see you playing with a Whimsie Doodle image - be sure to like Whimsies Doodles on FB as the owner is frequently giving away freebies :>)

  13. Dogs are very in~tune to whats going on with their humans!My daughters chi-pug tells her when their daughter is going to have a seizure! It's just amazing! Glad you're feel better!Love your super cute card!

  14. Oh Kelly what a nice experience with your babies despite your pain. I never had a dog before and couldn't understand how people could treat them like a family member (in some cases better), till I got my dog!!!. I absolutely LOVE him, he is my fourth son and can't imagen being without him. I got that freebie too. Isn't it adorable?. LOVE your card, it goes perfect with red!!! I hope you feel better soon!!!

  15. such an adorable card...
    LUV the red and polka dost AND the sweet immie....
    (txs for the Freebie link!)
    I too sooo believe animals have a certain extra sense or two...
    Take care Kells! Gotta get better for vacay soon! ♥

  16. Darling- love the red color- the digi is perfectly colored. I would not have a clue to put together a great card like this! Love the polka dots too. OMG your wonderful puppies- how awesome is that- glad you are on the mend- that is one high fever!!!

  17. Thank you for sharing your pup experience Kelly! That is so sweet.

    I love your card. Great reds and image. I have it now! :)

    I'm glad you are on the mend. HUGS

  18. Kelly, this is totally cute !! Super sweet image and the red DP fits great.

  19. Dogs are amazing! They know things we'll never know. Love, love your bright cheerful card! What's better than polkadots and bright red! Glad you're on the mend!

  20. Sooooooooo glad you're on the mend, my friend! BEEEE-autiful card (I couldn't fit lady bug in there)! I hope I get one! :)

  21. this is adorable!!!! Love the bug!

  22. this is an adorable card, I love red and white polka dots together!

    I am glad you are feeling better, that's scary. I am sure your pups are deserving of some extra treats!

    I had heard of stories about animals sensing something being wrong but never truly believed it until my cat bit me one day. It was unprovoked and so out of character for him--we weren't playing and he got to rough--he just bit me, hard, and I had three fang puncture marks on my hand. A day or so later it was getting red and a little swollen so I went to the walk in clinic for some ointment. The NP took my blood pressure and then offered to call me an ambulance to take me straight to the hospital. My BP was 228/118 and I had no clue. I believe my cat knew something was up and was trying to get my attention.

  23. Dogs do have an eerie 6th sense!. What a great hubby to take care of all night long.

    I love you one color card. The red is a great color. The image is super adorable!

  24. So glad to see that you are feeling better Kelly. Aren't our pets wonderful? They really do have a 6th sense about how their humans are doing. This is an ugly flu. Your card is so cute. Love the ladybug and the polka dots on your paper just fit the image.

  25. What an awesome card! Love the one color and the image is super adorable! So sorry you had such a rough night. Sounds like you had lots of love and support though! Dogs (and hubbies!) are just the bestest! Happy to hear you are feeling a little better. :)

  26. Such an amazing story! Hope that your feeling better! Adorable card! Love the great colors!

  27. At the risk of repeating what has already been said... Take care of yourself! We Mommies have a bad habit of always putting ourselves last and then pay for it after a while! I agree completely that our pets often know things are going on before we do. We had a collie when I was a kid who would go to the basement door any time it was going to storm. He would be patiently waiting there about 15 minutes before we heard the first rumbling of thunder.
    Your red card is fantastic and I love all of the dotty goodness that goes so well with your adorable ladybug!!

  28. Oh my! What a bummer of an illness you have had! Hopefully you are really on the mend and can put this behind you! Lovely card, cute image, I love that you used so much red!
