


2013 - Word of the Year :}

Hello, dear friends!

Today's post is one that speaks from the heart :)  As I watched my 8 year old son riding his bike at the park, shouting "YAHOOOOOO!" every time he passed me, I smiled at the realization that this is truly what life is all about. 

 The simple moments. 

When we stop long enough to cherish the small things and 
 when a hug and a smile and an "I love you" are simply enough :) 

At the beginning of each new year, I chose a 'word' to guide me through rather than make any resolutions.  My word of 2012 was "Grace" which was the mantra I used to simply give me the courage to face the new year ahead. I tried hard to incorporate that in all the things that I did last year ... fellow-shipping with friends, bible studies and adventuring into areas that made me really uncomfortable but did them anyway (God is my sun and shield!)

This year?  I am refocused, recommitted, re-energized and ready to live a year of Simplicity. 

Simplicity?  According to Websters, that has a meaning of being simple, plain, freedom from hardships.

And yes, that's true! 

 But more-so ... beyond that ... I want to slow down more and share this world God intended us to be with them on a more deliberate level.  I've always been a stop and smell the flowers kind of gal.
And the sandcastle builder, the nature walker, the cloud watcher, the rock skipper, the one who watches two butterflies dance in flight and think "Thank you GOD for that beautiful moment!"

But there is so much I know I'm missing.  This is the year I plan to recapture it back again :)  Simplicity.

My dear husband jokes: "Simple?  Like we're going to make our own homemade toothpaste and grow turnip greens?"

A couple years back, I bought and devoured Ann Voskamp's "One thousand Gifts" book.  I was so inspired, I started a list of my own WITH photographs to memoralize in my smash/scrap books.  
 And I got to Feburary! 
 For real. 
 I just looked at my Grace-i-tude List 2012 (that would be the year of Grace and gratitude list combo!)  and seriously ... I got up to #161.  And a goofy ending to a very short list that was ... here, I'll share:

161.  My “This isn’t a souvenir, it’s a proof of survival!” t-shirt from zip-lining.  

Alrighty, then.

God, I hear you.  I know there is a lot that I am missing.
But I am thankful for much. My children know and worship an awesome God.
They put him first in all things - thoughts, prayers, actions towards others.
And for me?  I can learn to let go of any and all things that do not bring me closer to him!  Simplicity.

So the next time we are on those bikes?
We'll take time to get off and skip a few of those rocks.
Because the rocks aren't there to block our path. 
 They are there for us to pick them up and skip the across the water of life. 

May you be so richly blessed this year.
May God speak to your heart and guide you!

Big hugs,
Bigger Blessings!

*I'd like to leave you with a few of my favorite quotes from my journaling :)

*Voluntary simplicity is not a grim cutting back, it's discovering and filling the genuine human need to do work that you love. --Cecile Andrews 

*When you realize you have enough, then you are truly rich. --Tao Teh Ching

 *Live simply that others may simply live. --Gandhi 

My verse of the Year: 2013
 Pray about everything; tell God your needs...
If you do this, you will experience God’s peace,
which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand.
Philippians 4:6, 7 

Great big special thanks to Melanie at Only a Breath for taking the time to make the blog buttons as a wonderful reminder for all of us to remember the reason for the journey!  I'm humbled to receive this and am grateful to your generosity and creativity!  
Linking this post to:
Only a Breath: Link up to Word of the Year
My one Word:  Community Link up
and the FaithBarista:  


  1. Great choice, Kelly! Most of the joys in my life are found in very simple things!

  2. It sounds like you're in for a fantastic year! May the roses be plentiful and the sandcastles gigantic!

  3. What a beautiful post. I hope you have a wonderful year full of simplicity! (but don't bother making your own toothpaste-it's simpler to go buy it).

  4. What a wonderful word, Kelly. I have one for the first time this year - God given I believe, and that is Joy - one cannot find it apart from God.

  5. Simplicity is a beautiful word and a great choice for the year! Letting go of everything that doesn't draw you closer to the Lord is a most worthy plan.

    My word is peace, and I quoted Philippians 4:6-7 in my blog post, too. :)

  6. Wonderfully written, and inspiring. Simplicity is a great choice, Kelly. I'm sure you will live it beautifully throughout this year and into the rest of your life!

  7. Kelly--you have always been an inspiration to me and this post makes me smile (with a bit of a tear in my eye too) Your word choice is awesome and I know you will do an incredible job in 2013!

  8. Kelly: Truly an inspirational post. I know how blessed I am,but taking the time to slow down, and take it in is something I need to do more of. What a great word you chose. I hope the year ahead brings you continued joy of heart.

  9. Simplicity is a beautiful word choice for 2013, Kelly! Reading your post here is truly inspirational and you bless us all with your thoughts and reflections. Praying God will continue to bless and guide you to new knowledge and deeper faith in your year of simplicity!

  10. Awesome! I love your word, as well as your quotes. They are words to live by!



  11. Wonderful post, Kelly!!
    And a fabulous choice for the work for the year!

  12. Great word choice. I know I could use some more simplicity in my life.

    Epiphany is my word for 2013. I'm excited to see God revealed in new ways as the year unfolds.

  13. Beautiful post, Kelly! My word last year was Redeemed, and it was a lovely word to ponder. This year, I have two words: Fear Not! They appear so often in the Bible, I thought it'd be a good reminder to live a bold and courageous life for Christ. Your word has SO many great books to with it! I recently read The 7 by Jen Hatmaker, and it's a great look at seven areas where we all need to simplify. Bless you, friend!

  14. Love that, Kelly-girl. Beautiful post! ♥

  15. As someone with her word as "unstoppable" - I can appreciate your word "Simplicity!" Thank you for stopping by my blog earlier. Your words were so encouraging! I love the quotes you shared! Especially the "When you realize you have enough..." I was just talking to someone on the phone about that earlier.

    Your words are such a blessing. Can't wait to read more of your words!

    On a side note... I don't know about the simplicity of it - but homemade toothpaste rocks - and is so much better for you and preventing cavities than commercially available product! ;) I would say that is a frugal thing - not so much simplistic.

  16. Good on You Kel! Homemade toothpaste? Probably really good!
    I love your thoughts today and as not one of us is around the next corner let alone the next day I am sure that taking time to enjoy the everyday but very precious is EXACTLY what it needs to be.
    In particular I love the first quote for your journalling - a lovely thought to asprire to.
    Re the dragonflies they are so easy.It would be a brilliant project to get families involved in. Imagine a long fence covered in them??? How joyous would that be. If you want more specific how to's check out my class and events page for my email and let us know how we can help you.We have builders and people who work at our revolve shop saving a finding for us. Les said the metal fans will stand up best to the weather.
    There are many other things that I used to recycle with my classes. But I am sure the kids and your teacher will come up with fabulour things too!
    Be happy

  17. A great idea for a post- I love the idea of picking a word for a theme for the year- and am going to have to think about this all weekend and come up with one! Blessings to you and for a year of Simplicity!

  18. I love this post Kelly! It's a reality check to most of us who read it and it really made me stop and think. Well said!

  19. Love your word of the year and know you will embrace it!

  20. Awesome choice Kelly...I know you will embrace it and live it as are such a blessing in my life...((hugs))

  21. Fabulous choice for your "word of the year". I think too many familes are so busy the parents look like the "Dunkin' Donut man". Now I have my thinking cap on, maybe I will choose just one word that describes my journey this year!

  22. Fabulous post and so thought provoking! It is so easy to be 'busy' with unimportant things and let the milestones slip right by.

  23. Thank you Kelly for this inspirational post.
    It's come at a time where I need a little SIMPLICITY...
    or at least a reminder.
    AND I love the quotes you posted up!!!
    Very inspirational blog!

  24. Hi Kelly! I love this post -- from your heart. I can feel your personality and beautiful heart of grace jump off the page. ;) My son TJ is 7 years old, so I know that burst of happy, seeing our son enjoy in the moment! Love your word SIMPLICITY -- Thank you for adding your voice to the Faith Jam with your one word.
