


Abide - Plain Jane (1)

Hello friends!   
I see so many of you are getting lots of snow and freezing temps
 ~ bundle up, stay warm!

   You may remember my post on daydreaming in church 
discovering my word of the year ~ Abide ♥  
I'm committed to spending time this year digging deeper into God's word
and observing all things that will draw me closer to Him.

In just this one little week into the new year,
I'm learning abide is more than just being obedient.
It's also to be dutiful,
finding strength and grace along the way. 

 I heard a phrase too often this holiday season ...
"It's not enough. It's too plain!"

Oddly, this word is comforting to me.
It's a word that doesn't beg.
It doesn't boast.
It's just ... average.

They say a Plain Jane is a woman with an average appearance.
But it also means an object that is unadorned or unembellished.
And here's the beauty in that.
Plain allows for growth, enrichment, revelry.
It also often includes doing things for others,
even in the smallest measurements.

Smile at someone.  Wave hello.  Give a compliment. 
 Say a kind word.  Hold open a door. 
 There is no monetary value to live in a moment of absolute grace.

I made a humble set of cards,
created to share with people I don't even know.
I already know where they will be delivered ♥

They are plain.
But they are equally bold.  
See that sentiment right there on the front?
Three  little words.

To me, that says enough.

I'm just a plain jane.
Just like my handful of humble cards.
But I'm living in God's word and that's a great start!

Thanks for your visit today :)
Big hugs, bigger blessings!


  1. Lovely post Kelly! The cards are simply beautiful!

  2. What a beautiful post, Kelly!! And gorgeous cards, too!! Have a great weekend!! Big hugs :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  3. What a wonderful post full of good thoughts to ponder! I love your set of cards! Gorgeous!!!

  4. Lovely thoughts and lovely cards, so simple but impressive!!

  5. Hi Kelly I wish I could write down my feelings as good as you, your words are very inspirational and heartwarming, your 'plain' cards are full of beauty
    lorraine x

  6. You say Plain Jane I say Stunning! Love the set of cards. Who ever recieves these are quite lucky.

  7. Oh Kelly - thank you for encouraging me with your beautiful post

  8. These are absolutely gorgeous Kelly!! I just love the meaning behind these and how you've started your year my friend! Such a gorgeous post! Thank you! HUgS

  9. What an absolutely powerful card- and so simple but beautiful! I love the idea of handing out these cards to folks. So awesome! The Blessing is you my dear....

  10. Lovely cards! Beautiful post!
