


TPB: Summer = flip flops!

 Hi friends!
Happy Fun-day Monday!

Do you know what's better than a pair of flip-flops?

When I was just a child, my brother and I would watch
the tv show, Gilligan's Island.
Oh, how I loved it!
Every week, we'd tune in for "The 3 hour tour" jingle!

 Gilligan and his motley crew of friends always made
being stranded on a deserted island seem like an adventure.
From drinks in coconuts, sleeping in hammocks,
lazy days on the sand.
Sounds like a dream vacation!
While they were actually trying to discover how to get OFF the island
and engineer ways to do it,
we always thought it was a great idea.

Today, my card is channeling life in flip-flops.
I've used one of the original stamp sets
This one is still a favorite of mine, perfect for kicking off summer 
(LOL ~ no pun intended!)

 And I'm pretty sure I don't really have them in every color ...
just pretty close :)

Here's the stamp set I've used 


  If it's not summer where you are, I hope it will be soon :)
Thanks for stopping by!
Big hugs, bigger blessings ♥


  1. A fantastic fun card Kelly, I love the DP with the flip flops on.

    Sue xx

  2. What a lovely and funny card, makes me dream of vacation at the beach ! Not real Summer here, cool, rain, thunder... but we live in hope ! Enny

  3. Life is better in flip flops!! Such a fun card!! The papers are fabulous!! Have a great day!! Big hugs :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts


  4. شركة تنظيف شقق بالرياض
    الشقق هى جزء من الفلا او هى احد الاجناحة بالفلا التى قد يمتلكها احد الاشخاص بالعائلة فهى له جانب كبير من الاهتام من خلل شركتنا والتى دائما لها خبرة كبيرة فى مجال النظافة وهنا جاء دور شركة تنظيف الشقق بالرياض.

    تمتلك افضل الطرق والمعدات في تنظيف الواحدات الداخلية والخارجية للمكيفات توفر تنظيف المكيفات الاسبلت الفريون الكاست شركة غسيل مكيفات توفر خدمة تعبئة الفريون بسعر مميز شركة نظافة مكيفات تساعد علي رفع كفاءة التشغيل مرة اخريشركة تنظيف مكيفات بالرياض

  5. I wear them every day. Love your card.

  6. Lovely card and a great memory.
    xxx Margreet

  7. Such fabulous summery card, Kelly! Great design and I absolutely agree, live is better in flips flops!! :D

  8. Fabulous flip flop card Kelly. I also loved Gilligan's island...Loz

  9. Gale force wind, heavy rain all day today! More to come for the rest of the week! Summer in the UK!! Love your card and the design is brilliant. Big hugs and blessings, Carol S.xxxx

  10. Yes, it is!! If you can't be barefoot, flip-flops are the next best thing!! Super fun card, Kelly!!

  11. Such fun! I do like that sentiment - I'm happiest when wearing flip flops!

  12. Super fun card Kelly, lovely seaside colours and the flip flop images are brilliant. Sadly I can't wear them, the toe thongy thing is so uncomfortable for my toes, Kate x

  13. Flip[ flops are best thing ever I have even worn mine in December lol-fabulous B.paper
    Carol x

  14. Yes! I do love my flip flops! :) What a really cute Summer themed card!! Love the colors and layout on this Kelly! HUGS
