


2021: Word of the Year ♥

 Hi friends!

Happy New Year!
I'm excited to ring in 2021 with you :)

Let's be honest ...
2020 was just plain crazy pants!

Even though this is always an exciting time of the year,
 starting fresh and new and the
365 brand new chances every day to make it ours.

It's the 10th year of blogging my Word of the Year!
 Although I've had one for many years,
for the past 9 years I've been blogging the one that
I carry as my Word of the Year to be my mantra.

I love having a word that reminds me in a *snap*
aim for this, try for that, be your best ...
a word that says 

This.  Is.  You!

For 2021, this year's word is .....


My WOTY always ~ ALWAYS ~ chooses me and in such unique ways.
This year's word hit me like a freight train (kinda like 2020)
 and I was unable to let it go.

This year, I think I may have tried to fight it 
... just a lil bit!
I thought eh, maybe, maybe not .... 

but there were signs.


Like the small dragonfly clinging to a blade of grass in the pouring rain
on my daughter's college graduation ~ until we watched it soar.

And the bird I watched through the big bay window from the 4th floor of my first physical therapy appointment.  I was so nervous I couldn't think straight. But as I watched it swoop and soar and dance on the air and I SWEAR I thought I saw it looking at me.  

And then ....
looking back at my WOTY from last year, I saw it my own words ..

"I always believe there's room to grow.
and thrive. and reach. and explore. and soar."

It was then I knew :)

By definition, soar means:

- fly or rise high in the air
- maintain height in the air without flapping wings or using engine power. 
- increase rapidly above the usual level.

To rise higher and be bolder and be a better me than before ...
those are things I aspire to do.

Not just in my daily life
and as a crafter/blogger/vlogger :)

I am SO excited about the plans I have for this year ....
there are 4 NEW things on the horizon
that will be debuting on my blog this month!

In addition to continuing these creative groups,
1. One Plus Twelve challenge (my baby!)

3. The 3M
4. Stamp What?!
5. Hot Mess = Success
6. Creative Card Ladies
7. Ready Set Go challenge
8. Challenge Your Stash challenge
9. Double Duty challenge (new this year!)
10. Mission Impossible Possible quarterly challenge
 and *takes a breath* continuing on the CCEE Stampers Design Team ... 

I'll also be sharing with you 
4 new and exciting crafty adventures 
that I created and I'm SUPER DUPER excited about them!

It looks like A LOT seeing it all typed out.
And last year, I had great plans and sort of fizzled.

Okay, 2020 it's just plain fizzled!

This is, after all, my year to soar :)

How about you?
Do you have a #oneword or Word Of The Year?
Drop me a comment and let me know what yours is 
and we can aspire, believe, create, dream, exhale, flourish 
(see what I'm doing here!) together!

Stay tuned for an exciting 2021 ....
we're about to soar!


  1. I love your word, Kelly, and am going to look forward to watching you SOAR all year long!

  2. Great word! And I know you will do special things using it! (You already have) I Have picked my word, but haven't posted it yet...Hope to do that later today!

  3. Amazing post, Kelly!! Really full of beautiful! Thanks for the dictionary :D (English isn't my language, so I lost the deep meaning of that word) and thanks also for the lovely quote. I haven't choose a word for the year, I will think about it.
    Biggest hugs and the best wishes to you and your loved ones!

    1. ...And big congrats for your 10 years of blogging!!!

  4. A fabulous word Kelly - mine 'found' me too, and it is Rest - I am still exploring all it means, but it definitely encompasses Spirit, Soul and Body.
    Loving your final graphic
    Stay safe and Soar

  5. Love your word choice for 2021!! Can't wait to watch you soar!!

  6. Happy New Year friend! And what a PERFECT word for this year too! You have lots and lots of things on your list here and good for you on putting it out there to make yourself accountable for it...congrats on your milestones as well dear lady! I look forward to seeing your soar this year!! My word is probably FUN...just want to go out of my way to enjoy and HAVE FUN!! LOL!! Biggest hugs and best wishes for a fantastic year!
