


Card flood for Stephen :(

 Hello friends <3

Today I had planned to share with you another

 one of my blogging adventures

and introduce a new series I'm starting this year.

However, sometimes plans get chance in an instant

and we redirect to where we are needed the most.

We had a very, very sudden loss of a very good friend of ours.

She was battling cancer but passed away unexpectedly last night

and was rushed to the ER only it was not meant for her to fight on.

Even when I didn't think I could shed another tear or have any left,

fresh ones find me.

If you could please pray for the children of my friend, Michelle and Stephen.

Stephen is like a son to us and grew up with my son-in-law.

He lost his father to cancer almost 3 years to this date ~ and now his mom :(

I know it would mean a great deal that he knows someone is out there thinking of him

and sending him love and, if you could, a card. 

(I'm sharing his address with permission)

You are all truly hearts of my heart and I SO appreciate it - 

the prayers, good thoughts or a card ~ or all 3 - thanks so much!

I'll see you on Tuesday!


  1. Sending hugs and blessings! Valerie

  2. Sending hugs and thinking of you all x

  3. I'm so sorry, Kelly. Prayers being sent to you all.

  4. Kelly, I'm praying for Stephen... and will send a card, too. I cannot imagine the pain of these moments for him. Devastating!

  5. How sad Kelly, keeping you all in my thoughts, Hugs Kate x

  6. Oh Kelly, this is just heartbreaking!! :( Such a sad destiny for that family!! I'm so sorry for your loss! Good thoughts and prayers for Stephen and his sister, surely!
    What will happen now to them? Who will have care of them? Hope that they have someone that could give them some love and take care of them...
    Bigger hugs ever, dear Kelly!!

  7. Kelly, this is so sad and my thoughts are with you and Stephen and his sister. I have had a few losses over the last year, so I can pray for you all and send blessings too.
    Sending love and big hugs to you all, Carol S.xxxxxx

  8. Kelly I am praying for Michelle and Stephen. What a terrivle loss. My card went in the mail today. God Bless both of them and your family for all the support you are offering. Hugs sent your way.

  9. Oh Kelly what pain for that young family to live through - prayers for them
    Stay safe
