


Fan Dance Day!

 Hi friends!

Happy Saturday!

Did you know April 3 was Fan Dance Day?


I'm in a talented group of card makers where we pick a 

non-traditional holiday (or wild or wacky!) 

and create a card based on that holiday.

I chose Fan Dance Day!

So here is my card!

I 'rediscovered' an older stamp set from my stash called Ni Hao

from Waffle Flower Stamps.

This set represents one of the cultures that celebrates the Fan Dance,

a dance where the fan is the main prop.

My idea was to create a beautiful scene

with a crowd and friends watching the beautiful girl and her fan.

The fans are an extension of the dancer's body and transforms

into different objects such as a leaf and conveys emotion.

Although it's a traditional dance of the Chinese folk dancers,

it's adopted by the Hani, Korean and other talented groups

that form their own fan dance styles!

You can check out this card and more of my creations on my

Instagram here: @createwithkas

Thanks for stopping by!


I'll enter this to the Lunar New Year Challenge - April 

1 comment:

  1. What a fun design!
    Thanks so much for joining us for the April Lunar New Year Challenge!
