


It's a Kell-of-a-mess ~ June!

 Hi friends!

I hope you are having a wonderful weekend!

I had card class yesterday while simultaneously watching my team 

advance forward to the quarter finals for the Euro Cup!

So I had a BLAST creating this cards - SO SUPER DUPER SIMPLE!

Yet fun and ..... ahem, messy :)

Earlier this year, I decided to reclaim a few of my earlier ideas

for cards/groups and asked for a little help on Instagram.

I held a contest for a gift card win for renaming the MESSY series


Kellofamess won!

Honestly, it's a HILAROUS name :/

For my 3 cards, I did free hand watercoloring

 to create the rainbows for a monthly hop theme.

I absolutely LOVE the organic look and didn't mind one bit

that the colors ran or mixed together.

I didn't even mind when I accidently glued made an upside rainbow!

I used Flower Shower from Mama Elephant to complete the look

and left them intentionally uncolored for highlighting the rainbow.

3 simple yet fun to create kellofamess cards!

Thanks for stopping by!

Crafty hugs,


  1. Kelly these are fabulous - Love the intense colours in your rainbows, and the cute wee critters

  2. Kelly, these cards are adorable. Love the watercolor rainbow effect. I watched the video on Instagram and was so excited to learn how you did this.
