


1 + 12 Thrives in '25: March

' Hi friends!

First, hi dad - missing you today so very much 💔

 I'm sharing a card for my favorite series ever:

One Plus Twelve: Thrives in '25 .

This year, I chose a floral stamp set from Alex Syberia Designs

collab for Stamptember called Close At Heart.

The idea?

Take one stamp - and ONLY one stamp - and use it 

once a month in creative ways, hence, 1 + 12 .

For March, I found a beautiful sheet of dsp with bright fun colors.

I stamped directly onto the dsp and just let it be the star of the show.

The background is a debossed aqua cardstock 

I rounded the corners for a little extra oompf.

I'm still recovering and just have ZERO mojo

or energy physically or mentally ....

Maybe next month, I'll be back with some Va Va Voom!

My friends are joining me again  this challenge this year

and you can see  Jeanette's card and Barb's card on their blogs.

Thanks for stopping by 💚


  1. Wow! wow! WOW!!! This is a beauty, for sure! I love how your flower looks stamped on fun DSP.

  2. Great idea, it is so pretty!

  3. Such a stunning card Kelly - love the sweet design on the design paper - it 'fits' beautifully

  4. Love your design by stamping on the fun DSP. Bright and Cheery!
