Welcome 2025!
Each year, I share on my blog a word of the year
that becomes my guide in this journey called life.
I don't usually seek a word, it always manages to find me,
True story!
This year was almost different.
I had another word in mind, one I thought was 'mine.'
I even took the proverbial 'Dayspring quiz!' like every year
and it gave me a completely different second word.
Oh boy.
So, I sat with the first OG word for a bit, marinating in it ...
until one night, something absolutely life changing happened.
It tore to the core of my soul.
I sobbed for 2 hours, absolutely broken.
And finally I said "Heavenly Father, I can't do this!"
And I swear on my father's grave I heard, "Yes, you can.'
(to which I literally looked up to the dark sky
having a 'Are You There God' Margaret moment.)
And I felt ... peace.
There you are.
My little word.
I found you 💚
It reminded me that while we might be in the trenches,
it doesn't mean the battle can't be won.
Peace, for me, is living an abundant life
and growing on a personal level,
and building a vision for goals that brings harmony on my journey.
Inner peace is incredibly healing.
I just have to seek it, live it.
Not too long ago, I bought a tshirt on a whim (TikTok Made Me Buy It)
and the t-shirt that says "If it costs your peace, it's too expensive."
There it is again, that word.
And I was still marinating in the other word when I bought it.
So, today ... I put it on :)
January 1, 2025 |
Oh! And peep the new hair cut!
I also chopped off 10 inches of hair.
I left to get groceries, walked past a salon, went in
and said chop off my hair!
I was in a moment of total crisis and chaos but my stylist
~ who I met for the first time & luckily didn't judge
or call for a Baker Act ~
took my tears and insanity in stride AND gave me a bomb AF hair chop!
Total whim but at least I'll go into 2025 a few pounds lighter!
I also forgot the groceries but that's another story 😏
2025 has some in with the new, out with the old.
A peek at my vision board for a visual here!
* I'm delighted to be on the Whimsy Stamps design team,
continuing onward with another year! Thank you! 💗
* I was invited to join the Crafty Meraki DT - me?!
After the shock, I said YES! and will navigate this new adventure.
* One Plus Twelve card challenge ~ my favorite card challenge!
It's one that I created with the idea of stretching
our stamps and I just adore the challenge.
This will be the 7th year.
One stamp, Twelve months of cards!
* 3 Musketeers mystery image card creation group continues!
* Cards For All Seasons Instagram Wednesday card group!
We have rebranded but still going strong!
* Kell-of-a-mess (formerly Hot Mess cards)
I'm returning to the fun of making a mess, but only on cards!
* 2 NEW challenges! I have ideas upon ideas
and am excitedto bring this to fruition!
My brain is always on hyper-drive
and the things I come up with are absolutely wild! TBA ~ Stay tuned!
I've decided to cut back on all the IG hops due to time restrictions
and possibly shelf my YouTube channel.
Between the hauls, unboxings and cards
(why I started my channel in the first place),
my cards were the least favorite among my viewers.
Low viewer count, lots of thumbs down ... harsh!
I go back and forth of restarting videos
so that's an 'maybe pile' for now and
I'll be adding more REELS to Instagram instead!
Thanks for making it this far 💗
I wish you a year ahead filled with all the blessings!