Welcome to the Operation Home Front Blog Hop! As a child of a military family (dad was career AF for 26 years!) and my brother & only sibling is Career Army, this is a special hop for me and I'm honored to be here celebrating with the OHF and all our hereos! You should have arrived from the astoningly creative cards from
Nathalia or if you are just joining, start at the beginning
Today's card is a double post - although this is going to a soldier in the OWH, it's also my entry for the
SSCC #12 :) First time I've had to enter a card for a double post but Im having MAJOR blog troubles since last night! Here is the descrption they give:
The scripture I’ve chosen this week is John 15:13 "Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends."
Here in America, we are so blessed with freedom. Just think about how we can freely worship our wonderful God anytime we want. Many men and women throughout the years have sacrificed their lives so that we may have that opportunity. Not only have these soldiers sacrificed their lives, but their families have made sacrifices as well. I can’t thank my God enough for sending these amazing men and women to protect us. They truly are heroes, and they have a very special place in my heart.
There is a quote that says, “Only two people have ever died for you. One is Jesus Christ. The other is the American soldier.” That is so true. Jesus Christ died for us so that we might have eternal life. The American soldier died for us so that we might have freedom in this earthly life. My prayer is that we never take either cause for granted. Not only as Americans, but as Christians, I feel that it is our duty to support our troops and to show them our support in every way that we can. That brings me to our challenge.
The mission of Operation Write Home (formerly known as Cards for Heroes) is to support our nation’s armed forces by sending blank (handmade) greeting cards to write home on, as well as cards of gratitude to encourage them.
The challenge for this week is to make a patriotic-themed card for a soldier and as a bonus, donate it to Operation Write Home, so that a soldier may be encouraged by your words of thanks. Write a special message of gratitude on the inside and sign your name. They will be distributed to soldiers who rarely get mail, or just need encouragement. Be sure to put your card in an envelope and write “Any Hero” on the front. For more information on how to make a card for “Any Hero” click here (http://www.owhhomefrontblog.org/2009/09/anyhero-cards-q.html). Please note there are some guidelines for cards so stop by and take a look!
Please keep hopping and next you should head over to
Nanny's Placeand enjoy the hop!
Also, please take a peek at the
Busy Beauties Boutique blog and hop along with the DT who are also making some wonderful cards for you! Before you go, please leave a comment. If you do, your name will go into a special Hero Hoppers drawing, where one winner will be selected at random. The prize will be digi images from the BBB from the talented and superbly sweet Carolyn! She, along with her friend Thomas, are the brains and talent behind the BBB - here is a Bathing Beauty digi up for grabs but hurry, it ends tonight at midnight! Also up for grabs is a wonderful digi image created by the talented Heather from
Fresh Brewed Designs - an image she made for the hop. Isn't it terrific! Please stop by their blogs and take a peek at the goodness "brewing" there, too!
Here is another card I made for you using the God Bless you from the talented Heather at Fresh Brewed Designs!
