
The ProCRAFTinator's Club - March!

  Hi friends!

Today's card share is for 

~ The ProCRAFTinator's Club ~

where a group of us friends share our projects

made from a kit, class, camp or retreat!

This idea came from chatting with friends

and how so many of us are proCRAFTinating on our classes,

camps and kit/subscription boxes!

All those kits, past and present, online classes and camps ~

We're dustin' them off and creating :)

For this month, I didn't have to go far.

Concord and 9th just had their Winter camp

and one of the classes taught by Meghan Andrew 

was a beautiful layered die cut floral card.

This card is not my own design but from the class.

I did switch up the colors of the cardstock and added a banner

sentiment rather than stamp the card directly

and popped up a few of the sprigs of florals.

I loved this card so much for the women mommies in my life!

I am planning to make several more in their favorite colors

for Mother's Day :)

Thanks for stopping by!

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