Blessings, friends!
Today is the wonderful day that
the Crafters of Faith blogging group post our cards with a chosen theme.
This month, our hostess extraordinaire is Barb and she chose a beautiful scripture and theme honoring fathers and mothers.
This is what she shared with us to create a card around:
Memories of Mom and Dad! Exodus 20:12 “Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you.
Even though my parents have been gone for close to 20 years, I still have wonderful memories of both of them. Some of you may have one or both of your parents still an active part of your lives and for others, the memories are what we hold close. So--what can you create on your card that reminds you of you mom or dad or both of them? A site from a family vacation? A hobby--music, gardening, literature, art, etc.? A favorite food? Your mom cooking? Your dad spending time with cars? Or vice versa . Create a card that shines of the memories that honor your father and mother. Enjoy this trip back in time--or maybe it is just a few steps back of a recent memory. Tell us in your blog post about your card, the memory it unlocks and a bit about your parents if you want to share. I cannot wait to see all of the wonderful memories you create and post on August 31st. Have Fun getting inky--Barb
For my card, I chose to create a card for my MUM! My mom is from England, born and raised. My dad passed away 7 years ago so rather than focus on parents, I wanted to make a special card for my mom.
And I love London!!
I've been very fortunate to have lived there myself as a child for a couple of years and visit twice in the past few years with my own children. I would LOVE to live in London again ~ what a fabulous city :)
So in honor of my mom, I created this card and I'll pop this in the mail as a surprise ~ it's from the Sparkle stamps called London Charlotte, which I was lucky to win in their last new stamp release blog hop - thank you SCRS!
And since I was using London Charlotte, I hopped on over to the SCRS blog
and played along with their challenge. I colored my card pulling from those colors, hence the hues of green and blue and pop of orange!
Here is the front of my card:
And the inside, sentiment also from the London Charlotte set.
And here is the inspiration photo:

I wish you many blessings this long Labor Day weekend ~
be it a restful one or fun times ahead - blessings!
Be sure to stop in and see my fellow sisters in Christ
and what they've created for the COF challenge!
Thank you, Barb, for the wonderful challenge and scripture this month!
Big hugs, Bigger Blessings!
I'll enter this card into: Word Art Wednesday - AG , Paper Playtime - pearls
and LEJ Designs #68 - Travel, Holidays