Sooo many pictures! This is part 1 of 4 for London -- I'm having a hard time loading them to the house pc and hopefully the laptop will do the trick :)
London was absolutely fascinating! It's a city I hope to return to one day and am blessed to have seen it (albeit treking with 4 kids wasn't the easy - thank you for the invention of the tube, tee hee!) They did GREAT though, much better than I would have anticipated and we chose to see much of the cities we visited on foot - little one in his stroller - and hoofed it everywhere to get . better views, close and personal visits, tours, etc! One of the things dh & I love the most is visiting a new city for the first time, getting a street map, sitting at a sidewalk cafe with coke (him) and coffee (me!) and mapping out the way, marking sites and must-sees.
Our first day out in this continually busy city we chose a 3 hour double decker bus tour - ha ha, looking every much the proverbial tourists! I spotted Starbucks 3 minutes out the gate ::: grin ::: It really is a city that doens't stop - at 7 am and 1 am, it was the same -- people hustling about everywhere, radiating a fun energy as we toured pretty much everything this city had to offer!

City streets .... Big Ben in the background :) On the plane, my son kept saying he wanted to hug Big Ben .....he thought he'd be able to stretch his little arms around it (maybe he's seen Peter Pan too many times, lol!)

View standing on London Bridge, looking back at Big Ben & The Houses of Parliament -- Westminster Abbey (pics in the next bunch) is peeking in with a few spires and turrets.
Big Ben again, with the London Eye ;)
I took this picture from a nearby bridge of London Bridge open because a British man walking by told me I should, ha ha! He said it wasn't very often that you get to see London Bridge open for use - it's easy to cross over it (we did, on bus, and foot many times) but not via River ... pretty cool :)